CRINOL:UM BY THOEGERSEN Client: Thoegersen Project: Photoshoot @ d.Studio by Heiko Dreher, Layout and Postpruduction by
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CRINOL:UM BY THOEGERSEN Client: Thoegersen Project: Photoshoot @ d.Studio by Heiko Dreher, Layout and Postpruduction by
Wilde Glocke Client: Gusswerk International Event GmbH, Wilde Glocke @ Gusswerk Salzburg – Salzburgs Club für elektronische Musik Project: Monthly designs for print and online media since 2008
Centrum Apotheke Client: Centrum Apotheke, Katharina Angelmaier Project: Umbau Client: Kugelblitz GmbH Project: Website & Logo design, CMS
sorella Client: Sorella Kochservice Project: Website & Flyer
YSLES NEW YORK CAMPAIGN FALL/WINTER 09 Client: Ysles New York, WWW.YSLES.COM Project: Photoshoot by Heiko Dreher, Artdirection, Campaign, Lookbook, Postproduction
Xchange Perspectives e.V. Client: Xchange Perspectives e.V. Project: Logo design, brochure design
MADE IN GERMANY Client: Editorial Submission Project: Concept+Photography by Heiko Dreher, Layout and Digital Artwork
Metropolregion Oberrhein Client: Hubert Burda Media Project: Book layout & design
I.G. IdeaGeneration Client: I.G. IdeaGeneration Project: Photoshoot by Heiko Dreher, Artdirection, Campaign, Brochure, Layout, Postproduction