MODEist Zeitung – No1 / 2012
MODEist Zeitung – NO.1 / 2012 Client: Vertriebsagentur Hoferer Project: Client newspaper: concept, photography, design, print production
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MODEist Zeitung – NO.1 / 2012 Client: Vertriebsagentur Hoferer Project: Client newspaper: concept, photography, design, print production
Liebeskind Berlin Lookbook 2012/05 Lookbook Belts Lookbook Schals Lookbook Shoes Winter 2012 Lookbook LK Lookbook DOB Lookbook 2012/04 Lookbook 2012/03 Lookbook Shoes Summer 2012 Lookbook 2012/02 Client: Liebeskind Berlin Project: Lookbook photography & design
masha&kate – SS/2013 masha&kate SS/2013 Client: masha&kate Project: designs / artwork of neck scarves and shawls campaign photography & image booklet
Fasion Sales Newsletter Client: I.G. IdeaGeneration GmbH Vertriebsagentur Hoferer mehr Bekleidung Project: Photography, Salesletter design & programming
masha&kate – HW/2012 masha&kate HW/2012 Client: masha&kate Project: designs / artwork of neck scarves and shawls campaign photography & image booklet
Laborette bei Satellite Voices Project: interview mit laborette auf satellite voices
masha&kate – SS/2012 masha&kate SS/2012 Client: masha&kate Project: designs / artwork of neck scarves and shawls campaign photography & image booklet
MODEist Zeitung – NO.2 / 2011 Client: Vertriebsagentur Hoferer Project: Client newspaper: concept, photography, design, print production
Shivadiva Pre-Collection 2012 Client: Vertriebsagentur Hoferer GmbH Project: Lookbook: concept, photography, design, print production
Jagger&Evans Collars 2011 Client: Jagger&Evans Project: Lookbook: concept, photography, design, print production